Friday, December 29, 2006

Stop Comparing!

One thing I have always seen with many parents is that they have this tendency of comparing their kid with some other kid. Personally I think this is bad. Situation is even worse for a kid when he is compared with some other kid within his own or extended family. I think most parents think that it is means of inspiring the kid. But I think they are actually hurting the kid’s feelings rather than influencing in a positive way. This doesn’t stop sometimes even after you grow up. There will always be a peer whom you are compared against and life becomes tough in those situations.

Thank god it hasn’t happened to me. But it used to happen to one of my friends and I know how frustrated he becomes every time that happens.

On the other hand I have seen some for whom such comparison really works. They work hard to reach the same heights as the other. But personally I think you get very stressful in those situations.

There is one more type of people who always compare themselves with some others. They don’t need any outside influence. Those people really get depressed when the person they are looking up to becomes successful. Hate, jealousy and anger just broods inside them.

For very few this kind of self comparison might have a positive influence too.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

past personal failures create insecutites in parents; this condition breeds fear - fear of their off spring failing; FEAR in any mode creates violence - verbal or physical. Violince creates FAILURE - FAILURE creates fear. ..visciuos cycle..

To effectly deal with and change this pernicious cultutual that pushes kids up a ladder system is at tiemes very counter productive. thing to when trash is shown on TV\Radio - turn it off or walk way - you will have a peaceful nite.

Unknown said...

Oh i know how bad i felt when my parents used to compare me with other kids. I used to hate those kids. Though after some time i think my parents realised that its not a good thing to do and they stopped. Not that i improved after that. :)