Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Seinfeld – Gandhi

I was watching one of the Seinfeld episodes yesterday wherein Jerry, George and Elaine sign up for volunteer work. I don't know what Seinfeld writers have against Gandhi. There are quite a few negative references to Gandhi in that episode. There is one where they make fun of him as being involved in a relationship with a woman here in US. Seinfeld does cross a fine line sometimes. But they somehow got away with it.

Why Gandhi? That bugged me a lot.


Anonymous said...

Take it easy... and also a tip:
== citation begins ==
Taking the piss of yourself is a good way to disarm your audience, show you’re confident, and prove you can take a joke.
== citation ends ==

PR said...

From what I have seen, people in US make fun of everyone. Presidents, politicians, celebrities and even Jesus Christ! South park has often pushed the limits.. It is of course hurting to see if someone we respect is shown that way.. but it is not just one person they are making fun of.. So we shouldn't let that bother us..

Anonymous said...

I'm a huge Seinfeld fan but the episode in which they go to India bugs me. They don't say anything good about India in that trip. I will still have the same respect for my country though.
The people that respect Gandhi, will always respect him.
Sometimes writers do anything to get attention. It bugs me that the audience mistakenly think that is it.