Wednesday, December 13, 2006

The Razor evolution

I ran out of shaving blades today. I remembered that I got a sample of 'Gillette Fusion' in mail. So I wanted to try it out. The first thing I noticed after opening it is the number of blades in it. It's exactly like my wife predicted. My wife predicted last year that we'll have 5 blades this year and her prediction came true. Yay!!

I remember shaving with one blade a few years back. Now the razor companies are adding blades at the rate of 1 blade each year and I am very curious to see where it's all going to end. Another point worth noting is that the cost of these blades increases exponentially with the addition of each blade. I think I should seriously think about getting a stock of P&G soon.


Anonymous said...

SOME time during the next few months Gillette will embark on an expensive advertising campaign promoting a new shaving device. Science actually played a role in this marketing gesture - Gillette says that its new razor was developed after Dr Norman Welsh discovered "beard hysteresis". As a razor blade cuts a bristle it also pulls the hair out of its follicle. The hair soon retreats back into the skin, but it takes about an eighth of a second to do this. Dr Welsh decided that if the shaver could cut off the extended bristle before it retracted into the chin, then the shaver would get a much closer shave than he would when shaving with a single cut. In fact, Gillette's scientists believe that they have postponed the five o'clock shadow by 2½ hours.

read more at new scientist about the thing about beards

Ram said...

Gillete Scientists (ha ha ha!)
- I am not sure what drives people to research on these kind of things?
Good article anyway.

Anonymous said...

Good article, I thought so too. If you thought that was a weird research on, check this patent...
"A device that uses light to send hair follicles to sleep, making skin smooth for weeks at a time, without shaving or waxing, is being patented by Philips."

more about the patent Device and method for low intensity optical hair growth control

now don't think I am a weirdo to read all these stuff :)

but atleast now we know the reason why there were 3 blades in the Gillette.

Anonymous said...

On the same topic have you ever wondered why men never adopted hair removal kits just as women.

I believe the market research says that men prefer the shave all the time to those kits.

Going by this I am pretty sure Mr. Gillette embarked on a great business when he first patented his first generation razors way way back!!.

Ram said...

I have never thought of it that way. It is an interesting perspective.

Personally just like other men I wouldn't want to do what woman do.
I guess Mr. Gillette placed his bet on the right horse!