Thursday, December 7, 2006


This is a practice that exists here in the US where a kid goes and spends a night with his/her friend in their house. This practice is fine till they are up to a certain age. When the child reaches a certain age, this becomes a very worrying thing for parents due to obvious reasons. Even though I personally haven’t experienced it yet, I have seen many Indian parents very concerned about this.

But personally I think people should not be a pushover when somebody does not feel like sending their child over. I think it's a natural parental instinct to be protective and be afraid of their child's well being.

All parents are different and one should respect others feelings.


Anonymous said...

I think the issue becomes even more stressful when the child wants to go and we as parents can not let them go. I think it is easy to convince another parent but it is hard to convince a child. The child's safety is the parents business. The child often times does not know what can be harmful. As adults we have to convince them why we think it is harmful. It is surely not as easy as it sounds.

Anonymous said...

I think parents should take it easy and allow sleep overs if child likes it.