Go Away!
My 2 year old son is going through a phase right now where he says ‘Go Away’ to anything or anybody he doesn’t want at that moment. This is true for both living and material objects. If he bumps his head on the wall he says ‘Go away Wall. It’s not right’. Obviously we are enjoying every minute of his innocence.
Today I was driving him to his daycare and I was on a freeway. This car in front of me was going really slow (I guess it was the policeman’s curse from yesterday!) and I controlled my road rage and was patiently driving behind it. After a lot of time it gave me way. And as soon as I passed it, My 2 year old turned back, looked at the car and said ‘Go away Red car. It’s not right’. Even though I enjoyed his cuteness, I was surprised and at the same time shocked. I guess we still have a lot of things to teach him.
I used to have the road rage initially when I came here and started driving. But now I have got over it and usually yield to crazy drivers. Anyway it came as a big surprise for me this morning.
He is too young to learn all this. Leave him alone. Lets him figure out himself that somethings cant be moved :)
lol...its always fun,with kids around.kawin is 2 years aswell.not yet started speaking fluent,but everyday he says a newword,
yesterday he kept saying 'some more...some more!' hahaha
There is nothing like the innocence of a child. There is always something to laugh or smile about when a child is around. I have seen it in my nieces and nephews and now with our son. They are bundles of joys. Enjoy!
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