I was listening to my favorite CD on the way back from a birthday party in my car and it suddenly started skipping tracks. I am sure all of you have encountered the same problem.
Why can't they make CD's and DVD's durable? Cassettes were very durable and lasted for a long time.You need somebody like my 2 year old to wreck it. Floppy discs were also very durable. On the other hand CD's/DVD's are very sensitive. They need a lot of care. These days I take a back up of any cd as soon as I get it because no matter how well I care for it ,somehow it gets scratched. That makes me really mad.
It is the risk of "exposure". If you think about it, 100% of data surface of CDs and DVDs are at risk of contamination every time you handle them, whereas with the old tapes only a tiny 1 inch on top is exposed to damage at any given time. The rest is protected inside the plastic case in to which the tape winds up. So in terms of sheer % of risk exposure to damage, CDs and DVDs are several multiple times more exposed and so they fail at a much higher rate.
It is the price we pay for digital quality of sound as compared to the analog tape quality.
But there are Buffing solutions out there that can fix scratched CD\DVDs. Most of them are abrasive types that smooth away the surface defects. Some promise non-abrasive solutions, I don’t know how good they are.
But a better technology is definitely needed for this problem..
How about flimsy cell phones? I like gadgets that are sleek but in this day and age I don't know why it is hard to make it more resistant to everyday wear and tear (and drops).
CDs and DVDs must be made better.
copy your tracks to an MP3 player (ipod), you are much better off.
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