Saturday, January 13, 2007

In Search of Humidity

Back home I come from a very humid place. It used to be so humid that you sweat a lot. You have no choice but to shower at least 2 times a day.

Now I live in Midwest US. Here winters are quite severe with temperatures going below Zero. So most houses obviously have heaters installed. Because of the dry air from the heater we are absolutely left with no humidity in the house. Even with the humidifier the air is usually very dry. So now I am in search of humidity. I have centrally installed humidifier in my house and I have many personal humidifiers. But still air seems pretty dry. My 2 year old sometimes bleeds from his nose due to lack of humidity.

It’s just funny when I think about the fact that I used to hate humidity back home and long for it here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too much of anything is bad.

It is similar when it comes to warm weather. Back home we took it for granted and complained about it, here we long for it. I guess we should enjoy what we have anytime, anywhere :-)