Tuesday, January 2, 2007

Aliens and UFO's

UFO’s have always enchanted me since I was young. There was news in CNN this morning that said that lots of United Airlines workers including some pilots saw a UFO like thing flying over Chicago Ohare airport. It seems that the disc shaped thingy hovered around and then flew back into the clouds.
Have you noticed that almost all UFO’s that were supposedly spotted were all ‘Disc Shaped’? For some reason humans think that UFO’s are going to show up in a disc. Why not a regular airplane? It’s the same deal with aliens too. Aliens are always portrayed like shown above.

The main reason why we think that way is because it has portrayed the same way for all these years by everybody that we can’t think otherwise. If Human mind is bombarded with the same kind of information over and over again, we’ll find it really hard to think otherwise (I guess it’s the same deal with terrorists too!).

Anyway the comment from one of the FAA authority was very funny
"To fly 7 million light years to O'Hare and then have to turn around and go home because your gate was occupied is simply unacceptable," he said


Anonymous said...

'If Human mind is bombarded with the same kind of information over and over again, we’ll find it really hard to think otherwise.'
I never thought of it that way until today. It is true.

Anonymous said...

I am fascinated with UFOs/aliens too. Although sometimes I feel the military uses people's belief in UFOs and gets away with testing new technology.

I have also thought about the stereotypical alien figure. You are right, we believe what is being shown over and over again. We always think of aliens as 'human like' figures. But if aliens do show up one day they could look like ants, elephants, fish etc..

Anonymous said...

Interesting that you feel military is using it to test new technology.
We saw in Airzoo, in Kalamazoo, MI, a display of a 'Spy Jet' which somewhat looked like a hybrid of a plane and a disc.