Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Microsoft Vista

As most people know Microsoft Vista was released today to the general public. One thing I am wondering is - Should I really upgrade my PC right now? I looked at most of the features that are offered. Here are some salient features of the Home premium edition as described by microsoft:

Peace-of-mind security – I already get this through my Mcafee protection kit. So I already have a ‘peace of mind’.

Find files fast - First of all I don’t search for files often. Even if I do I don’t mind waiting a little longer.

Cool desktop experience – I like anything that enhances user experience. I looked at Vista in circuit city yesterday and it does look cool especially the 3-D navigation. So this is a Plus.

Better mobility - I am not worried about this. XP is good for the laptops and I haven’t faced any problems so far. So even if there is some sort of a technical upgrade that I am not aware of, I am not going to worry about it now.

Do more with your photos and videos – I don’t do anything with my photos and videos. I upload them into my PC and probably to a website. That’s pretty much all I do. So this feature is not really going to help me now.

Entertainment anywhere – This is to enjoy photos, videos and music on TVs throughout your home using an Xbox 360 or other streaming devices. This looks like a good feature. It’s always a struggle connecting wires to TV every time you want to watch photos in it. At the same time I am not going to spend extra 500 bucks for Xbox. But this is something I really like. I don’t know whether we can play what’s downloaded in Media player through Xbox. If we can, then this is a really challenge for Apple’s I-tv.

Another important piece of Info – Vista Home premium costs $240.

Even though Vista looks cool, we all know that there will definitely be bugs in the system that will crop up in the next few months. Since MSFT is the most targeted OS in the market by hackers, they will definitely try to penetrate through the ‘impregnable security’ of Vista and as usual they will succeed. This will eventually get fixed with future Service Pack releases. So we are better of waiting for the next few months.

I do want to make one thing clear. I want everybody else to buy this because I want Microsoft to report good earnings number next quarter and I want to see my share prices go up. But I’ll wait for the dust to settle and price to come down. How about that?


Unknown said...

My parents' machine has a 98 running on it. My father uses the computer only for mailing or typing something.

Recently i asked my friend if i should put xp into their machine so that i can install google talk. His suggestion was if 98 is working properly, not to touch it until the situation is that there is no other way to move forward. :)

Ram said...

I agree with your friend. Why waste money when you don't need to?