Wednesday, January 3, 2007

To cry or not !

I spent an eternity at a car dealership today and had the privilege of watching Gerald Ford’s funeral ceremony on TV while waiting. He was one of the American presidents and a denizen of Grand Rapids, Michigan which where I live. So there is a lot of pomp in the city with air force planes flying all around and making a lot of noise. The funeral was quite, organized and very detailed. Of course this was special since he was a former president, but from a religious ceremony aspect I think it’s done the same way even for regular citizens.

It’s a major contrast to funerals in India. Following are the major differences I can think of

  1. There will be a very public display of emotion in India- Family members and friends crying very openly. Here there is very little public display and even those emotional conceal it by wearing dark glasses.
  2. Silence is unheard of in a funeral gathering in India. It’s usually very noisy. Here it is very silent and organized
  3. Women are not allowed near cremation grounds in India. Obviously that’s not the case here
  4. Those attending the funeral here in US are well dressed in appropriate attire. This is the means of showing respect to the dead. In India that’s not the case.
  5. Importantly the body is not allowed to be taken home like how it is in India.

I am not trying to say one is better than the other. I am just trying to describe the sharp contrast in culture. Both the cultures are so different that I can almost come to a conclusion that there must have been more than one Adam and Eve .

P.S I have heard that funerals are very expensive here in the US to the extent that there is a funeral insurance which will help you pay for burial after your death!


PR said...

How about the eulogy to respect the dead? I really like that idea. Also, the fact that you could visit the grave in the future. (I think Christians in India do that?)

It is expensive though.. I have heard a funeral here costs around $10,000.

Anonymous said...

How about weddings? Weddings are also so different.
One thing that I like about the weddings in the US, is the respect given to the bride. When the bride enters the hall/chapel, everyone stands up.
Talking about funerals, Indians are very emotional when it comes to it. I believe that Americans too are very emotional but do not express so much during the funerals. They freely express their emotions in other things where Indians do not. It is quite interesting!