Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Where is 'GOD' in all this?

I was listening to National Public radio(NPR) yesterday where they were talking about genocides that happened in Sudan and how it is now slowly moving to Chad. Literally millions and millions of people are getting killed in those genocides.I have been hearing about these genocides for almost 3-4 years now.

I don't expect any one nation to take care of the issue.But no nation seems to be effectively standing up to the cause. This is horrible.

One thing i don't understand is - What is UN doing? That was the whole purpose why UN was formed. I am hearing that their hands are pretty much tied by the sudanese goverment and there is nothing they can do about it. If UN doesen't have the power to control these horrible crimes who else can?

It is a proven and documented fact that these are true incidents and the magnitude of the crime commited is tantamount to the holocaust. If holocaust received so much attention, why not these genocides?

It really is an unfair world where rich thrives and the poor gets beaten down.

Now where is 'GOD' in all this?


Anonymous said...

Where is god? Not an easy question to answer. Disparity of rich and poor, don't even get me started. However, the killings are bad. However, the killings are bad.

Anonymous said...

On disparity between rich and poor. What if God made each and everybody rich at the outset?

I am pretty sure the world would not be where it is today without the need for improving from the ground up.

Just like ecological balance that everbody talks about this is a way God defines the need for man to keep improving. Till what end only the unknown Supremo knows.

There is always a multi-dimensional way to look at things.

Ram said...

That truly is an interesting perspective. But i still can't digest what's happening out there. It's very depressing.

Anonymous said...

Where is GOD?... YOU are ASKING THIS question?

Did you look in the mirror this morning while shaving? If so, you saw one of many infinite faces of god.

So here is the deal - wanna clean up the world, stop, genocide, help the hungry in the US? at least REDUCE some of this suffering on fellow humanity? Here is a plan -

1. Go to Darfur and help the aid agencies who are fighting against some serious evil to protect the innocent - they are GODs who need immediate help.
2. If you cannot go to Darfur - send a lot of your hard earned money to the TRUE gods working in charity there.
3. As far the "GOD" who fixes all evil on the planet with a wave of a wand - he or she hasn't been seen in the last many thousand years (I hear – if ever)
4. In the meantime, any human who can help any other POOR and NEEDY person with even with $1, IS the GOD DEGINATE, completely EMPOWERED to make godly decisions on behalf of the BIG BOSS, who is kinda busy now and will only take your messages (prayers), but there is no guaranteed timeline for action on the prayer request.

You are now free to practice compassion in the world. :-)

Anonymous said...

anonymous --

Your points have merit. But I sense you are talking abuout the economoical angle of life - not the spiritual, health or moral aspects.

Talking about multiple dimensions - can you list the various dimensions you refer to? I just listed about a half dozen above.

Also, just saying the "i am sure the world today would not be where it - is a point COUNTER to your agrument. The VAST MAJORITY of the WORLD (appx some 80%) is an ABSOLUTE DISASTER OR HELL ON EARTH or both. If this the definision of the "Christian Good" god - then sorry, the term "good' needs redefinition in Christian theoglogy. Sad...

Also - anonymous please consider reveleaving youre ID - were aer just a bunch of thinkers...

Anonymous said...

Anonymoua -

Your points have merit. But I sense you are talking abuout the economoical angle of life - not the spiritual, health or moral aspects.

Talking about multiple dimensions - can you list the various dimensions you refer to? I just listed about a half dozen above.

Also, just saying the "i am sure the world today would not be where it - is a point COUNTER to your agrument. The VAST MAJORITY of the WORLD (appx some 80%) is an ABSOLUTE DISASTER OR HELL ON EARTH or both. If this the definision of the "Christian Good" god - then sorry, the term "good' needs redefinition in Christian theoglogy. Sad...

Also - anonymous please consider reveleaving youre ID - were aer just a bunch of thinkers...

Anonymous said...

Interesting. One need not go that far to Darfur or send donations etc. One can do good right from the place where you are.

I understand that it is difficult to digest such genocides etc. I am not supporting it. This just an indication that good and evil coexist all the time. And man after all these years of technological advancement is still learning like a child the spiritual side of things.

Feel sorry that you brought things about Christianity when not necessary because God is one which ever religion you have faith in.

Anonymous said...

I brought up Christianity because Sudan has a Christian angle to the problem. But what I say applies to all "organized" religions - Hinduism inclusive, which is purportedly "my" religion.

My POINT is - Hindus, Christians, Jews,... whoever uses religion to commit atrocities ARE THE ONEs who are to be blamed. God has nothing to with it. Taking a sanguine attitude that "god made the world this way, and so we should accept it..." is a cop out. Humans have been using this bogus argument for thousands of years to commit unspeakable crimes on others and continue to do so today. THIS is the real problem. What is required is ACTION by well meaning individuals and powerful countries of the world to stop these crimes against humanity. Not some "divine intervention" which will never come.

Anonymous said...

It took 2,000 years between Christ and Gandhi, and we may wait another 2,000 in vain for another such. But all of us together - "we are Gandhi". We can make a difference if we think we can not by words, but by action.

Anonymous said...

Without God there is no reason to care anyone else, never mind Africa. Without God every one of us is nothing but another piece of dust on the planet with a finite life, and a finite time to enjoy life.

The Christian narrative describes humans as being the architect of their own destruction: the desire to be like God. This separated humans from God and we are left with the result of that. Competing with each other for power like 'gods'.

Those who follow Christianity believe that God in Christ will come again and set the world right. In the mean time Christians are called to pursue righteousness and justice. That is where God is at work.

Ever wonder why so many of the aid organizations in Africa are Christian?

Ram said...

Religion I personally feel is the reason fo all the evil happening in this world. I believe in service to humanity irrespective of what religion you are.

I don't think any god would like a person with a lot of ego - Personal/groupsim based etc.. So I feel any body who services humans without a banner of religion is more selfless than the other way. I am not asking you to be an athiest.But I feel that you should not use people's dire situation as an oppurtunity to spread your belief. Why can't people just help without bringing religion into picture?