Plasma/LCD Craze!
Plasma/LCD TV's seem to be the craze this thanksgiving. Prices have gone down so much in the last few years.I bought one a year back mainly for watching world cup soccer in HD. It truly is a great viewing experience.
My 32 inch tube TV now looks like a piece of crap.But i am still keeping it. I am sure when my son grows up he'll have a big laugh looking at our old tube TV. I and my wife have watched a lot of crap in that. So this one is going to be with us in the basement just for the memories.
I resisted the initial temptation to buy a big TV even though, the deal was very good. We watch very little TV and the only ones that we watch are SUN TV, Hindi Movies from VCR, Educational movies borrowed from library for my son. We even thought of buying a small TV for him and then decided against it. We play cricket in our basement in the evening, read books or watch
So far, we are happy that we are able to have spend quality time together without the company of the Idiot box.
That truly is the best way to spend your time.
There is no argument there.
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