Thursday, November 30, 2006

All you have to do is ask

There are various times in my life where I have been very shy to ask for things. I knew I wanted it but always felt shy to ask. Even if somebody asked me whether I wanted it I still used to say ’NO'.

This truly is a bad quality to possess. Always ask what you want and you'll see better results. This quality will also make you a better negotiator. Without this you'll end up accepting what comes to you even if you don't want it.

A good manager always conveys what he wants very clearly. An over worked employee doesn’t express his dislikes and ends up working overtime.

I understand this is a fairly obvious observation. But some things make sense only when somebody points it to us.


Anonymous said...

100% agreed.

Reminds me of a customer, he installed our product in the wrong PC (which can be installed in one PC). He called and wanted us to rectify. His first thing to say was "Hey frauds, I am gonna sue you guys for not warning me... now how can I get it installed in my another PC" -- his attitude sucks,

Despite all the warnings at his face, we did give him what he wanted. But his attitude only delayed the process of involving legal team and management. Even if not shy to ask, be polite and ask nicely.

Ram said...

That's true. Always be polite and nice.