Monday, April 30, 2007

We are not that great!

Human beings, no doubt, have been a very dominant in planet earth. At least that’s what I have been thinking all along.

For the past few days I have been suffering from severe cold and sinus. That has made me realize that we still haven’t been successful against these damn viruses. These viruses are supposedly so smart and could mutate in such a way that prevention and cure is almost impossible.

I almost laughed when I watched the ending of ‘War of the Worlds’ by Steven Spielberg where aliens couldn’t sustain the earthly diseases. But now I guess Spielberg must have had bronchitis when he wrote that story.


blj said...

War of the worlds is by H.G. Wells, not written by Speilberg.

Ram said...

All right. My bad. H.G. Wells must have had bronchitis then!

Anonymous said...

ram, hope you are feeling better.

granted, the "battle" is very painful when being fought, but humans have been ahead in the "war" against viruses for about a half a century now? and in the future there is a good possiblity of decisive cure and vaccines - perhaps thru gene therapy..

i betcha these microbes won't even get one micro-second of your brain time when you are completely well in a week. you will have completely forgotten about your sickness by then. you think you will still feel so pessimestic about the human condition then..?

Ram said...

I would be very happy if your predictions become a reality. But I don't think we'll be around to see it.

Anonymous said...

ram, protection against viruses is already here - flu shots and TamiFlu are examples. I've actually taken both in the past and they work well in the prevention and containment of the flu. research\work on fight against other viruses is progressing..

Ram said...

But it only works for certain strains of virus that scientists think would be pravalent that particular year.
But i agree that the research is progressing.