Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Prejudiced mind

Some people are very loud. There is this guy at work who talks really loud that I can hear his conversations clearly even though he doesn’t sit close to me. Because of his loud voice, people generally surmise that he doesn’t do much work. They see him mostly as a big talker and not as a big doer, even though this is not essentially true.

It is true that sometimes your personality overrides everything you do. You are almost always judged based on your personality if you are too bombastic in your actions. For some reason there is a perception in our minds that big doers are generally not pompous in their actions. Even though this is not essentially true, this I think is a great example of how prejudiced we are in some common situations.


R Kamal said...

nice point there...prejudiced mind.even when the wrong doer changes these prejudiced minds wont change...

Anonymous said...

i don't know if this is prejudiced. if this guy is really loud - he is obviously disturbing others and affecting their work. so even if he is doing a lot while being loud a lot (a questionable assumption) is his public rudeness not causing a drop in overall team productivity? so ultimately has he really made more or less of a contribution to his company?