Thursday, April 19, 2007

Not My Daughter

Today I met a friend of mine who was shopping in a store with his little daughter. I greeted him and he introduced his daughter to me. Then I told him that his daughter looks exactly like him just to be polite. That sentence usually brings a smile in a parents face. But to my embarrassment he said that it was his step daughter and not his own. I was very embarrassed and didn’t know how to react.


Sree's Views said...

Hi..came here from Kamal's blog.
hey..dont sweat..worse things have happened :P
I onced asked a lady who was with a man "what does ur husband do ?"
to which she replied "he is married to someone else..I live with him " :((((
Now what did I do ?
disappeared :(

Ram said...

Thanks Sree. Welcome to Random Thoughts.
Culture here is very diverse. Somethings that are unthinkable in India are normal here.

Unknown said...

Ram i dont know if you gave that compliment just to make the happy. But if you had meant it, then there is a possibility of you not being wrong. There is a theory which says facial appearances are developed according to one's facial expression which in turn most of the time is influenced by the people around him/her. That means if two or more people stay together for a long time they can end up looking a lot like each other.

According to this theory the kid can have the features of her step dad.

Ram said...

That is an interesting theory. I have always felt that apart from genetics your facial features depend on the language you speak.

R Kamal said...

' That means if two or more people stay together for a long time they can end up looking a lot like each other'

Thats a nice theory umesh.i have heard about that earlier.i guess it was meant to be said for couples who stayed long time with each i right?

can you tell me from where you got the theory?i also heard people talk earlier about the subject.but non one could exactly tell from where it came?

Unknown said...

Kamal, I dont know what the theory is called but i read it somewhere some time back. Did a google and got this link... check it out

Also I personally know a couple who looks very much alike.