Sunday, April 1, 2007

Over the counter!

Aren't you afraid when a popular drug company suddenly pulls their popular drug of the market citing patient concerns?

I think you all remember the days when Pfizer and other big pharmaceutical corporations pulled their popular arthritis medicine off the shelf citing concerns. If I was one of them taking the medicine, I would be deeply disturbed. Call me crazy, but I like to avoid drugs as much as possible unless it's a serious condition.

On the other hand there are people who gobble up drugs like Tylenol, aspirin even if they sense slightest discomfort. I think Human body is more adaptable than we think. I sincerely feel that it’s not a good idea to be taking too many over the counter drugs for slightest of problems.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

you know what many in the US say - the business of US is .. "business".

here everything has to be turned in to a product and sold. everything from health to life (insurance).

as consumers, we just need to use common sense and proper judgment in being skeptical about the products being pushed to us. i agree this often doesn't happen..

Ram said...

True. Everything here is a business

PR said...

My father who was a doctor, always let the body fight before giving medicines. Some patients even criticized him saying the other doctors prescribe pills that makes them feel better within hours. But he was true to his profession.. How many of such people can we find now?!

Also, as SK suggested, its all business here..