Thursday, June 21, 2007

Call Center

The most irritating thing that can happen to you is waiting to get a customer service representative over a phone. Most companies have too many menu options and it almost feels like they are discouraging you to call them. I was waiting for almost 15 minutes on the phone today calling Comcast. They encourage you to email them or chat with them online. But personally for the problem I had, I had to talk to them. I went through so many menus and submenu’s before I could get in touch with a rep. On top of that, the call got dropped in the middle and I had to go through the whole process again. In some companies they note down the number to call you in case the call gets dropped. That’s nice customer service. Many don’t do that.

I am sure many would have gone through with this at least once. I guess it’s justified if people here complain about calls going abroad.

1. They have spend eternity reaching the customer assistance
2. Once they get a customer rep, they have to put up with a different accent trying to figure out what he/she is talking.

Why should people go through this especially if they are paying boatloads of money every month to that company?

What do you think?


guyfromblore said...

check out
it has worked wonders for me.

Ram said...

Thanks Lalith. This really helps.