Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Casual writing

One thing I have noticed with people’s casual writing these days is that they have started composing sentences in a manner easier for them rather than being grammatically correct. It has become a vogue these days. E.g. ‘Where as’ is getting replaced by ‘Were us’, through getting replaced by thru’ etc.

I am not a purist by any means and I always believe that language is just a means of communication. As long as we are able to deliver the message, the purpose is served. But I have heard people complaining about it. I usually avoid doing it out of the fear that that I’ll get used to it. Once you get used to something, it’s tough to revert back to original. Also this kind of a language does not help in professional writing. You’ll inadvertently write it that way if you get used to it.

I think the main reason for this to happen is because of advent of SMS, blackberry, cell phone etc. People want to convey their message as short as possible and have come up with this easy way. There is nothing wrong with it. But it sure will anger some purists.


Unknown said...

oh ya its also coz of overtime chatting. I'm used to it.

to get over it, i've switched on the dictionary feature in my fone and i type important docs/mails in MS word so that i wont send it out with my bad/short spelling

Anonymous said...

depends on where you are communicating - using short text is okay in IMs and SMS, but less so in e-mails and a no-no in formal documents