Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Smoking to lose weight

There are lots of people I know who smoke with the intention of losing weight. People smoke and starve to lose weight. There is this common consensus that smoking curbs your appetite. So people smoke to curb their appetite and in turn lose weight. But isn’t it common sense that it’s not the right way to do it?

I think this practice is especially prevalent with teenage girls and women in US who would do anything possible to lose weight. I just don’t understand why people would do something that is detrimental to their body just to look slim. Western culture is becoming very superficial day by day. I hope this culture doesn’t spread to India.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny. Actually i had this doubt some time back. I have noticed that all drug doers are really wafer thin especially the ganja guys. As I was too lazy to hit the gym early in the morning to lose weight i had actually told me friend that i'm going to do ganja to be trim. hehe...