Sunday, March 4, 2007

The other perspective

Once you begin to strongly believe in something, you just can’t look outside the box. There is this person I know who is a staunch believer in her/his beliefs. The person is so staunch that he/she began questioning my beliefs. So I told the person that no matter how hard I try to prove to you that there is always other perspective to everything, you’ll just not accept it or take it because you strongly believe that you are right.

This I think is the main reason for all the chaos in the world. Every religion/political parties/individual etc. thinks that their way of life is right. Those who strongly believe in their faith just cannot accept that there could be a better alternative. There are some who just shun others who don’t believe in their faith, and others who are rebellious to insist on others that their way of life is right. If people become rebellious and insist that their way of life is right, then it becomes a problem for the society.

What do you think?

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