Monday, March 26, 2007

Cage free farm fresh Vegetarian fed hen eggs

I was walking in the grocery aisle at my local retail store and decided to buy some eggs. I usually get the 'cage free farm fresh eggs'. There is some theory that eggs from hens which are bred on a farm, are supposed to be tasty. The reasoning seems to be that those that are not caged are supposed to be happy and happy hens produce tasty eggs (?????!).

Yesterday I was surprised to see 'Vegetarian fed hen' eggs. I am not sure what the reasoning is behind it. Are Vegetarian fed hen supposed to create more tasty eggs? Whatever the case maybe, we should appreciate the good marketing idea.

So far the best of the eggs according to egg companies are ‘cage free farm fresh Vegetarian fed hen’ eggs. I am wondering what’ll be their next move!


guyfromblore said...

I think the idea here is to minimize cruelty to the hens than anything else.

you should probably take a look at the videos on that show the plight of the hens in battery cages. you will look at all of these products very differently thereafter.

Ram said...

I saw the video. It's horrible.I guess you are right

Anonymous said...

i have only bought "cage free" eggs for many years. a couple of months ago my wife bought "regular" eggs because she was in a hurry, but i refused to open the carton and insisted it be returned. it is my "very little" contribution to fight cruelty to animals.

but i think "vegetarian" eggs go a bit too far. i am not against it, but i fail to see the purpose. chicken by nature eat worms and insects. i don't know why we need to force feed a vegetarian diet to them - for whatever reason.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm in an ethics class at my university and we're talking about factory farms, and how the animals live.
I'm not 100% sure about the vegetarian fed eggs tasting better, but I have read that when chickens die the farmers can grind their bodies and put it in the feed which saves money for the farmer.
I've been buying Cage Free and Antibiotic free eggs for a while now. But my mom just bought some Cage free vegetarian eggs... But I don't know if that means they still add antibiotics to the chickens.
I'm on a mission to find as much information as I can!

-L said...

They probably don't feed antibiotics to the free range vegetarian chickens. The reason for the antibiotics is when they are caged in such close proximity to each other, they actually injure one another. I don't see why antibiotics would be used for a free range bird.

On another note, regarding sk's comment about vegetarian fed hens....
The birds aren't forced not to eat bugs if they are free range. They are gonna eat bugs. I guess free range is possibly the most important factor in a good egg.

Anonymous said...

Most hens by default are fed pork parts. The "vegetarian fed" option is the alternative to that.

Anonymous said...

Ive heard that the "cage free" hens are just hens stuffed into one large shed.Treated and kept in the same general bad conditions of battery cage hens...i try not to eat eggs at all, but thats just me.

Anonymous said...

Hen feed can sometimes include "calcium sources" like the ground up bones/feathers of previous chickens, or the bone grindings/dried waste from a cattle beds. Especially with mad cow disease in the last two decades, it is bad and counterintuitive form to feed one animal's remains to another animal. The vegetarian fed isn't really to say that chickens shouldn't eat bugs, but that they weren't provided feed including animal remains.