Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Microsoft Surface

Have you guys seen the demo video of new Microsoft Surface? It really opens up a whole lot of possibilities. If this thing really works like it's shown on the video, it'll definitely revolutionalize various day to day things we do.

Check it out

Microsoft Surface


Anonymous said...

no - it won't work like it is shown in the video any time in the foreseeable future. if I have been always right on one thing, it is in predicting when MSFT software won't work! But I still like them!

I see limited application in the future for this - where more than one person has to control a panel, like engineering design, etc.

and no - it won't revolutionize our lives the day it is out, or even 10 years later. It will just be another technology that improves the way we live.

Ram said...

I feel the concept is good and has lots of potentials. I think all those 3 videos give a good idea of what could be done.
But how it is going to finally turn out is for us to wait and see.

Anonymous said...

but as the video itself admits - the concept is not new (they have to - otherwise they will be lying).

so, what will make or break the products that come out of this will be the quality and usefulness of the technology.