Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Working from Home

One thing that is catching up here in US is the concept of working from home. This is true especially for people in software. Many companies these days allow one day a week to work from home. This is really cool and it’s a break from getting up early to get ready and then commuting to work.

According to many reports I read, people are said to be very productive working from home. Now with all technologies like VPN etc. available, I do not see any difference between working from home and working at office. In fact I have a friend here in US who is allowed to work only on a specific days at work since his cubicle is being shared by somebody else. This is especially useful if the office space is being rented on an expensive downtown building.

Working from home is a good thing and really helps if you have family and kids. I am very happy that this trend is catching up.

What do you think?

P.S I am turning 32 tomorrow


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!! Hope you have a wonderful year ahead, at work and with your family... Here's wishing you all the best for the future :)

As for working from home, yes, I truly think its a good thing. Especially for working mothers; it reduces the tension of having to think about your children at some creche and to worry about how you're not able to spend time with them... And fathers should be able to work from home at times too, so that they can pitch in at home - helping with the kids and housework, and give their tired wives a break... So all in all, its gr8!

Btw, I have colleagues in my German office working from home too at times - and its usually because of family commitments. India is catching on, albeit slowly. I hope it becomes more of a trend there also. It will spare us from the drudgery of going to work after travelling for 1 and 1/2 hours in thick traffic.

Unknown said...

Happy B'day Ram

As for working from home, i dont think its a good idea. I have experience in this. For more than a year i have stayed and worked at the same place. Initially it was exciting for the fact as you said i could get up at any time i want and things like that. But believe me after a point of time it becomes really monotonous. You end up sitting at one place the whole day and for weeks and months.

A change in your work place and home is really good. Its refreshing to be in another place after a long day's hard work at office. You are more organised then. You have more tight deadlines, you try to finish off your work before leave home.

Office is for work and home is for family. Home sweet home.

Ram said...

Thanks Shikha and Umesh.

Umesh - I agree It'll become monotonous if you work daily. I was mostly talking about working few days in a month from home.Like Shikha had mentioned, it really helps some times.

One example i can think of is having a sick child at home.

On the hindsight I know of some who for the most part work from home and want to be that way.
I guess it's more of a personal thing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! Enjoy!

I would love to work from home. I'm usually more productive. No one to bother me through phone calls or visits. I usually have the guilt though on whether I am as productive as I will be if I were at work. That feeling apart, it is a win-win especially if you are working on projects that need undivided attention. As for taking care of things at home while working at home, that can be challenging. If my child is sick, I would rather take the day off because it will be very hard for me to draw the line.

Unknown said...

Working few days in a month from home - seems to be fine. Even here at my workplace we have the option of working from home. VPN et al. Havent tried it yet. Will do.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday.

Ram said...

Thanks cprjchild and Pramod