Friday, February 9, 2007


I was watching an old TV sitcom yesterday (‘Roseanne’) where they were discussing about how the ‘Power to Believe’ could make wonders happen. In this episode a premature baby struggles for life and Doctors give up hope. So they talk about looking at alternate means to help the baby out like Reiki etc… They even quote that in India sick people take a dip in some holy rivers with the belief that it would cure their sickness and it miraculously does some times. One of the characters says to the mom that if you believe that the baby will survive, it surely will. Pretty serious stuff for a sitcom I guess. But the message behind it is very powerful.

I totally believe in the ‘Power of belief’. We some how have this power of controlling spiritually what happens to us physically. Most of us don’t realize it. This is applicable for things that are within humans reach. This doesn’t mean that you can walk on water if you believe you can. It's always important to think positive and believe that you can achieve whatever it is you want.It’s only those who really work hard and believe that they can be successful, turn out successful. Even during times of failure, they believe that they can achieve their goal. So believing in ourselves is very important.

What do you think?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Power of belief'! True. Very strong. I personally have seen things happen that make me want to believe in it more and more.