Thursday, February 22, 2007

Do u want to be a Passive or active smoker?

I personally think that the Non smoking sections in most restaurants in US are a joke. My colleagues took me to TGIF today for my birthday lunch and we all sat in the ‘Non Smoking’ section. Even though I was apparently in a non smoking area, I can smell smoke very obviously. The only thing separating non smoking and smoking area was a glass screen on one side. I am not sure how they believe that smoke cannot get through the front entrance of the smoking section.

There is one Chinese restaurant nearby where they just have a curtain between smoking and non smoking area. That too the curtain doesn’t cover the entire height of the room. It looks more like a shower curtain.

I think restaurants like these should classify their seating section as ‘active’ or ‘passive’ smoking section instead of ‘smoking’ and ‘non-smoking’ section. Don’t you think that would be appropriate?

I just hope that government bans smoking in public places in US like they did in India. Indian government really deserves applause for passing that legislation.


PR said...

Actually smoking in public places is banned in Massachusetts and Connecticut.. I think its banned in california and a few other states too.. I absolutely love that law.. Living in MA, we are so used to not smelling smoke at public places. We went to a restaurant in new hampshire once and I couldn't handle the smoke (in the non-smoking section). Worst of all, our waitress was pregnant!!

I agree with you, smoking and non-smoking should be classified as active and passive.

Ram said...

I heard that it is banned in few states. I would love for it to become a federal law.

I would really like to go to bowling allies in MI. But that is not possible now.

Anonymous said...

It is nice of Indian Government to do it. You are right it is 'active' or 'passive' smoking. I do not mind so much for me but I get really mad when my son is exposed to it. Sometimes people that smoke in public seem discourteous and selfish to me. I can not see how they think it does not bother others.

guyfromblore said...

Belated Happy Birthday!

Ram said...

Thanks Lalith

Vj said...

I just for started looking at your blog today Ram may.

In Chicago downtown smoking in public area's is banned. I am not sure if it is a law only in Chicago or it is a law in IL.

But then I remember brunswick bowling near Naperville has a two seperate section and they do a pretty good job.

The smoking section is totally closed and they have a bar attached to it. The non smoking section is outside which has a completely different entrace.

I get mad when we got to restaurant with family and kids where you find smokers. Thank god it never happend when we all go out.